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Skybox has ceased operations. Impacted customers have a path forward with Tufin’s ExpressPath Transition Program.
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Fireside chat on digital transformation with IDC and Skybox CEO

IDC shares how CISOs are dealing with digital transformation security risks. Learn how to build resilience, drive efficiencies, and reduce risk. Watch webinar.

Learn how to:
  • Embed security considerations in future digital business strategies.
  • Develop strategies to build resilience, drive efficiencies and reduce risk.
  • Evolve the security function to enable the business.

The CISO has achieved a position of greater influence with the CEO and company board than ever before. Now is the opportunity to leverage this seat at the table to demonstrate the importance of embedding security into digital transformation initiatives. However, this is no easy feat. Companies have shifted three-year cloud migration roadmaps to three-month sprints to maintain business continuity and support a newly minted distributed workforce and remote operations.

This discussion covers:
  • Moving from digital transformation to security transformation in the postpandemic enterprise.
  • How are security leaders rethinking their approach to security posture management?
  • Security teams added workloads to the cloud, reconfigured corporate networks, and deployed new technologies all at light speed. How has this activity introduced cybersecurity and compliance risk?
  • What do the CISOs shifting responsibilities and increased influence mean for the future of security?
  • How will security leaders capitalize on their newfound seat at the boardroom table to embed security considerations in future digital business strategies?

Skybox has Ceased Operations

On February 24, 2025, Skybox made the difficult decision to cease operations after ongoing financial challenges. For our impacted customers, there is a path forward with Tufin.

Tufin ExpressPath Transition Program for Skybox Customers

Tufin’s Message to Impacted Customers