Six Tips to Improve Your OT Network Security

Vulnerabilities for utility organizations are proliferating at an unprecedented rate. Learn how to better protect your OT or air gapped networks.

The convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) has many benefits. It can help improve efficiencies, streamline processes, and optimize resources. Having visibility encompassing air gapped networks also maximizes resource utilization and expands access to actionable insights.

But alongside its many benefits, it also produces a larger attack surface.

Every security professional will acknowledge that you cannot protect what you cannot see. And you cannot prioritize without complete visibility. With the continued growth of new vulnerabilities, utility organizations face increased risk and more security challenges than ever before.

Thankfully, there are ways to monitor these OT or air gapped networks without interrupting operations and gain total visibility of your hybrid attack surface. Here are our six tips to improve your OT network security.

(1) Develop a mature, enterprise-wide, Continuous Exposure Management program

Deploy a solution that provides visibility and context across both OT and IT environments. This enables organizations to continuously assess, prioritize, and remediate the most critical threats, reducing overall risk.

(2) Eliminate security blind spots

By collecting and aggregating data from all your tools, including air gapped and non-scannable assets, you remove the visibility gap. This allows you to detect vulnerabilities in off-limits network zones and devices, that otherwise may have been missed.

(3) Create better visibility across teams

With a complete network model, you can assess the effectiveness of security controls. It enables you to identify policy violations and attack paths, and gain insight into proposed changes to understand whether they would introduce a vulnerability into your environment.

(4) Apply automation to reduce the risk of misconfigurations and ensure continuous compliance

Automating workflows, including change processes and validation, eliminates human errors and streamlines operations, reducing the risk of misconfigurations.

(5) Reduce downtime by proactively managing risk

Calculate asset risk beyond the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), adding business-specific risk factors. Use exposure analysis to determine which vulnerabilities would be most costly if compromised.

(6) Optimize remediation options beyond patching

Patching OT networks can be challenging, with requirements around uptime and continuous operations. Finding alternative compensating controls, such as altering firewall rules or implementing an IPS signature, can help mitigate risk until patching can be completed.

Navigating today’s highly complex digital world is a challenge for any organization – but those in the utility sector have even more stacked against them. Due to the importance of their work, and their reliance on legacy systems, they are desirable targets for cybercriminals. However, with the right tools and processes in place, utility providers can greatly improve their OT network security and eliminate network disruption.

Skybox’s Continuous Exposure Management platform can provide you with complete visibility of your hybrid attack surface, across both IT and OT networks, so you can understand your greatest security risks – proactively respond. Our solution helps the most complex energy and utility companies around the globe to better protect their critical assets against vulnerabilities.

Continuous Exposure Management Platform

Visualize and analyze your hybrid attack surface with prioritized vulnerability management, and network security & policy management to continuously reduce exposure risk.